We Buy The Following Grades of Scrap Metal : -
Scrap Copper
Scrap Brass
Scrap Lead
Scrap Aluminium
Scrap Stainless Steel
Scrap Cable
Scrap Gold & Silver
All Ferrous Scrap
All Non-Ferrous Scrap
Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
Scrap Catalytic Convertors
Scrap Lead Acid Batteries
Scrap Traction Batteries
Scrap Cars, Motorcycles, HGV’s, PCV’s, Plant & Machinery. (Certificates of Destruction Issued FOC).
Website Designed & Created by Metalogical http://www.metalogical.co.uk
British Metals Recycling Association
The Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 came into force on the 3rd December 2013 bringing with it a blanket ban on the sale / purchase of scrap metal for cash. It also heralded the introduction of more stringent ID requirements for payments to be made and the recording of ID used for any such transactions.
In order to meet the requirements of the new law whilst still protecting customer confidentiality, Karalius Brothers (Waste) Limited installed an ID and card payment system by VerifiiD / QCS.
This allows all transaction and ID records to be stored in a secure cloud environment managed by Quantum Card Services ltd meeting fully the security standards required for the UK banking sector. In this way our customers can be assured that their confidential information is protected to the highest possible standards (PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards)).
Please call for further details.
In order to be paid, you will need to bring with you the following ID: -
A valid UK Passport or a valid passport issued in the European Economic Area (Euro Zone).
A valid UK or Northern Ireland Photo-card Driving Licence.
No other photo ID can be accepted!
If you use a passport or require payment through our own Chip & Pin Mastercard , secondary ID will be required as follows: -
A utility bill, a bank or credit card statement or a council tax demand (less than 90 days old from date of issue)
(Payment by cheque or bank transfer available also).
The Karalius Bros (Waste) Ltd Chip & Pin Mastercard. Subject to correct ID your acceptance is guaranteed!
Payments to business customers are made under different arrangements.